How to move freely with reduced or no pain

Do you feel your range of movement is decreasing?  Do you find the time periods of pain are increasing for you?  Are you starting to find that certain anti-inflammatory medications are creating unwanted side effects?  Would you like to learn why you are getting stiffer and tighter?  Would you like to know why your pain is increasing?  After learning why, would you like to know HOW you can deal with your symptoms?  If so, please read on…. Your amazing brain! If [...]

Mindful In May – Week 4 – Placing importance on Posture

In this week’s blog we will continue the Theme of ‘Mindful in May’ and look at different areas as our life and consider ways to develop The Total Somatics Approach to Mindfulness. Check out my video below.  After the video, allow me to develop this subject further. To support you through Week 4 of Mindful In May, download the FREE support material by clicking HERE. The importance of good posture According to Harvard Medical School, a healthy posture is important for maintaining good [...]

How is your posture?

In this blog we are going to explore the subject of posture and biomechanics.  Total Somatics has a weekly ‘Mindful in May’ video series on Facebook (which can also be found after May 2017 on the Total Somatics You Tube channel).  This week the Total Somatics Facebook video discusses mindfulness with our posture and biomechanics. So let’s start by looking at our posture.  The main part of our anatomy which influences our posture is the spinal column.  When viewed from [...]