Why Pandiculation NOT Stretching Reduces Pain, Improves Posture & Increases Mobility

Over the years we have been told that stretching will help reduce pain and improve our health. However with scientific research, an increased knowledge in the area of pain science and neuroscience, old beliefs around the subject of stretching are starting to be questioned. In today's blog we are going to look at the science behind stretching and why pandiculation is a much more effective and natural way of releasing muscle tension, reducing pain, improving posture and increasing mobility. The [...]

The Importance Of Good Posture & Muscle Control For Exercise

This time of the year, there are many people working on their new year’s resolutions. One of those resolutions is to get fit and toned. In this week’s blog we are going to consider the importance of good posture and muscle control for exercise. Posture The way we hold ourselves and the level of tension we exert on our muscles has a positive or negative effect on our body. If we are mindful of our posture and how we move our [...]