Does Strengthening Your Core & Stretching Really Ease Back Pain?

For many years it has been a common belief that strengthening the core muscles and stretching helps to ease back pain. In today’s blog we are going to consider this and see if old beliefs are still relevant or if the recent scientific research is highlighting something very different. Creatures of habit If you are a regular reader of my blogs you will know I often refer to actions of the human race as “creatures of habit.” We all have our [...]

Learn How To Move Freely With Less Pain

In this week’s blog we are going to look at how our modern day lifestyle has contributed towards ridigity and pain in our muscles and joints. Creatures of habit Consider what you do on a daily basis. We are creatures of habit and thrive on routine. You may sit on a train or other modes of transport, possibly looking down at your phone or book. You may sit at a desk most of the day. You may stand at your desk [...]

Use Somatics to Reduce Pain, Improve Posture, Increase Mobility & Get to the ROOT CAUSE.

In this week’s blog I am going to teach you why somatics gets to the root cause of aches, pain, stiffness, poor posture and limited mobility. You will learn that it all starts with how our brain communicates to our muscles and what we can do to reverse very common problems people experience on a daily basis. Creating Intelligent Change Within Our Body Using Somatics Here is an image of the sensory motor cortex also known as the brain map or [...]

The Importance Of Good Posture & Muscle Control For Exercise

This time of the year, there are many people working on their new year’s resolutions. One of those resolutions is to get fit and toned. In this week’s blog we are going to consider the importance of good posture and muscle control for exercise. Posture The way we hold ourselves and the level of tension we exert on our muscles has a positive or negative effect on our body. If we are mindful of our posture and how we move our [...]

The Benefits of using Somatics to Ease Muscle Tightness Before & After Exercise

If you are involved with a sport, repetitive activity or suffer with muscle tightness and pain, did you know Somatics can help you ease your discomfort? In this week’s blog I am going to explain why Somatics is fantastic to add into your fitness regime to allow your muscles to fully release. Thus, helping you to gain greater power and improve recovery time. Working intelligently with your muscles For many years people have stretched, tugged, yanked, twisted, drugged, heated, cooled and [...]