How Technology can help & hinder our health

Hello, how are you? I hope you are keeping well and enjoying my podcasts. I am really looking forward to announcing something really special for you all in May, so please stay connected with my regular blogs and podcasts because more will be revealed! To stay connected and up to date with my special events, CLICK HERE. In this week's podcast episode, I discuss how technology can condition/influence our brain health, habits and development. It is [...]

Is Sugar controlling you?

Sugar is something we cannot avoid nowadays, it’s everywhere.  We find it in foods, drinks, sauces, spices and medication.  It may be labeled as sugar or given a different name such as high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, dextrose, agave, maltose or rice syrup.  Each of these variations still create a blood sugar surge before dropping, with us wanting another blood sugar level boost. In today’s blog, we are going to look at how sugar influences our brain and other body [...]