How to support your mind and body during turbulent times – Week 2

I hope you are enjoying this month’s theme. During the month of August, I am highlighting different areas we can consider that will help us to take care of  ourselves during turbulent times.    As we continue to take care of our emotional, mental and physical health, I would like to provide additional support and resources to assist you.  In today’s blog I will be providing podcast episodes and an audio to support why it is important to take care of [...]

Mindful in May & BEYOND

We are into our last task for May. However, don’t allow your practice to stop after this month! Continue to develop a somatic lifestyle. At the end of this blog, I will provide a link so you can review all the videos, audios and podcasts for future reference. When we start developing a mindful approach to daily activities, we create a healthier lifestyle and approach to everyday challenges. Allow me to highlight this week’s theme in the following 1 minute video… Task [...]

The Power of Somatics before Sleep

Years ago I qualified and worked in the field of Neurophysiology. An area which I thoroughly enjoyed and specialised in was sleep and sleep disorders. It was always amazing to watch how the brain activity on EEG recordings were markedly different with sleep deprived and fully rested patients. In today’s blog we are going to understand why the brain needs sleep and how using somatics can help shape the neural landscape of our brain. Sleep Sleep is a very important part [...]