Nutrition for a Healthy Mind & Body

Hello! How are you? I hope your week is going smoothly and you are keeping well. xx Thank you for all your feedback from last week's podcast with Melanie Cool and the interest in a retreat in the future. Today, I would like to share another wonderful health expert who would also be involved in a retreat, Rebekkah Finnigan. If you are interested in attending a Total Somatics retreat in the future, please let me know via [...]

Mindful in May & BEYOND

We are into our last task for May. However, don’t allow your practice to stop after this month! Continue to develop a somatic lifestyle. At the end of this blog, I will provide a link so you can review all the videos, audios and podcasts for future reference. When we start developing a mindful approach to daily activities, we create a healthier lifestyle and approach to everyday challenges. Allow me to highlight this week’s theme in the following 1 minute video… Task [...]

Mood And Food!

The key purpose of Total Somatics is to improve awareness to your health and well being. When we develop the principles of Somatic Health and Well being, we realise the importance of heightening our awareness to how we feel, sense, move, think, perceive, speak and eat. In today’s blog we are going to look at how food can be a benefit or detriment to our health. The World Health Organisation (WHO) reports that mental disorders are now the leading cause [...]