How to support your mind and body during turbulent times – Week 2

I hope you are enjoying this month’s theme. During the month of August, I am highlighting different areas we can consider that will help us to take care of  ourselves during turbulent times.    As we continue to take care of our emotional, mental and physical health, I would like to provide additional support and resources to assist you.  In today’s blog I will be providing podcast episodes and an audio to support why it is important to take care of [...]

Why Movement is Medicine

Over the years whilst teaching clients about Somatic movement I have often use the expression “Movement is Medicine.” It is an expression I use often within my social media posts too (Instagram: total.somatics and Facebook: @totalsomatics). In today’s blog we are going to look at why movement is medicine. Mental Health Awareness I am sure you would agree we live at a time where mental health is being discussed openly and barriers are being broken down. However it is always good [...]

Mindful in May & BEYOND

We are into our last task for May. However, don’t allow your practice to stop after this month! Continue to develop a somatic lifestyle. At the end of this blog, I will provide a link so you can review all the videos, audios and podcasts for future reference. When we start developing a mindful approach to daily activities, we create a healthier lifestyle and approach to everyday challenges. Allow me to highlight this week’s theme in the following 1 minute video… Task [...]

Mindful in May – Week 1

Wow! I can’t believe we are in to May already! It means only one thing! That’s correct, Total Somatics will be focusing on the Theme of ‘Mindful in May’ for the next 5 Wednesdays. The purpose of this theme is to encourage you to take stock and think about your daily activities. Each week we will look at different ways to be mindful and create a Somatic lifestyle so we can glow and flourish from the inside out. Below is [...]

Creating Time Out to Recharge, Recuperate & Relax during December

Well that’s November almost done and dusted! I have created a short video below to explain how I can help you during the month of December…. December will fly by before we know it! So in order to enjoy December and not feel completely exhausted and overwhelmed, let’s consider the support material I have included. As Bobby Unser once said, “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.” So by creating a suggested planner to help you during December, I would love you to [...]