How to be resilient during these challenging times

Hi everyone, how are you faring this week?  What a week it has been! As the days progress, many have commented that they don’t know what day of the week it is.  There is so much our mind and body are having to process at the moment, that it is easy to loose track of time.  However in today’s blog we will continue to use our prefrontal cortex which has been designed to enhance our emotional intelligence, focus, awareness, [...]

Coronavirus – dealing with the uncertainty

As we contine to watch the drama unfold before our very eyes, we can sometimes be mistaken for thinking we are watching a Hollywood movie, however, this is real life. With COVID-19 on everybody’s mind, I felt it appropriate to use this week’s blog to create a PROACTIVE FOCUS towards what we can do to keep well and prevent spreading the virus elsewhere. Advice As many of us will have heard on multiple occasions that handwashing is crucial.  Let us consider further [...]

Anger and your health

As the weeks have progressed, the media have been showing the panic and anger that has set in from the attention grabbing headlines about the coronavirus.  In this week’s blog we will consider Total Somatics’ theme for 2020 - Focus and Insight.  We will use the current feelings in society to delve into the emotion of anger and learn how to control it. Primitive actions We have recently seen panic and subsequent violent behaviour in supermarkets over purchasing toilet rolls! [...]

Fear, Stress and Habits

At the moment every news article and media outlet are highlighting the coronavirus.  Although it is good to stay informed and aware of the situation, in today’s blog we will look at why we should not allow ourselves to get sucked into the vortex of fear. Keep calm Fear is a really important part of our make up.  It has been designed to help us become alert to situations that can make us emotionally and physically unsafe.  On a day to [...]