Your Brain Is Physically Connected To Your Immune System

Hello! How are you? xx Thank you for all your comments and feedback. I have had some great questions, so look out in the upcoming podcast episodes because I will be answering your questions. I have included extracts from within the Total Somatics membership to cover them. Keep your questions flowing, it is really good to hear from you. Within this week's podcast, I refer to the 3 part workshop within the Total Somatics Online Shop. [...]

Strategies To Create a Regulated Nervous System

Hello! How are you? I have just finished a wonderful month with Mindful in May, connecting with so many around the world. It has been fantastic hearing from you all about your takeaway points and 'eureka' moments. I love Mindful in May because it allows us all to stop and recalibrate, before embracing the second half of the year. If you missed the Mindful in May series, you too will still be able to benefit because [...]

The Importance of Creating Calm from Within

Hello! How are you? I hope your week is going well. xx Before I share this week's podcast with you, I would love to invite you to Mindful in May 2023. If you have known me for a few years, you will know I hold this event every year and it is so important to have a month that will help us to refocus and recalibrate. Here is a 58 second video about the event. Enjoy! x TO [...]

Creating an inner calm when life is chaotic

Hello! How are you? I hope you are keeping well.In recent months, I have been asked to hold online workshops and sessions for businesses around the world. One of the most popular topics I have been asked to discuss and teach on, is how to create an inner calm when life is chaotic. So in order for you to benefit, I thought I would create a podcast episode delving into this subject. If you would like [...]

How does your environment influence your wellbeing?

In this week’s blog I would like to highlight a common subjects that have been raised many times in recent months.  I have created a short video for you.  Within this video are a few points to consider and also an invitation to an upcoming event. Are you a thermometer or a thermostat? Do you know the difference between a thermometer and a thermostat? When you consider the actions of a thermometer, it reacts to the environment and you see it [...]