Movement is Medicine

Hello! How are you? I am really looking forward to meeting as many of you online as possible next week for The Total Somatics LIVE Experience: Release Tension & Reduce Pain. This FREE 3 part workshop series will be very practical and there will be more time experiencing the benefits of Total Somatic Movement. In other workshops I have covered a large amount of theory and then moved in to the practical. In this series, [...]

Reduce Pain, Improve Posture & Increase Mobility

This is ACTION WEEK! For week 4 of Mindful in May, watch the following video to bring everything together. If have already been watching the last two LIVE Total Somatics Events, you will know that I am delving into why and how you develop recurring pain, how your stress reactions and breathing are impacted, creating global pain and/or discomfort. If you haven't signed up to The 5 Day Total Somatics LIVE Experience, there is still time. The replays will be [...]

How to move freely with reduced or no pain

Do you feel your range of movement is decreasing?  Do you find the time periods of pain are increasing for you?  Are you starting to find that certain anti-inflammatory medications are creating unwanted side effects?  Would you like to learn why you are getting stiffer and tighter?  Would you like to know why your pain is increasing?  After learning why, would you like to know HOW you can deal with your symptoms?  If so, please read on…. Your amazing brain! If [...]

FREE eBook, Somatics – What is it? How can it help me?

I have a very exciting announcement. Check out my video below and then read on to discover what I have prepared for you! If you suffer with back pain, stiffness, aches, limited movement or your muscles cramp and spasm for no known reason, this eBook will give you the ability to find out how a movement technique know as Somatics can help improve your ability to move freely. Imagine getting up each morning without your normal aches and pains. Imagine being [...]