Bringing Total Somatics to You!

If you follow me on Facebook (@totalsomatics) or Instagram (@total_somatics) you will be aware that I have launched a brand new online program.  I have packaged together Movement Patterns Part 1 which has been available online for 12 months with the latest program, Movement Patterns Part 2.  The two programs allow you 24 weeks online access at your own pace in the comfort of your own home.  Together they are known as “The Total Somatics Approach to Health and [...]

improve posture


SOMATIC in SEPTEMBER Week 1 Hello everybody!  I hope you are all well.  Every week this month I will be sending you a video, additional information to read PLUS audios to listen to so you can start increasing your awareness to various areas of your life. Today I would like to highlight how we stand, walk and hold ourselves.  Check out my video below (apologies for the sound quality) and then after the video allow me to teach you how you can [...]