mindful somatics

Somatics, brain plasticity and visualisation

Today’s blog will consider how we can use neuroplasticity to work in harmony with our somatic movements and visualisation. If you attend my classes either in person or through the Mindfulness with Total Somatics online programs, you will know that I often discuss these three subjects and highlight how we actively work on them everyday. Sometimes when we are new to somatics, want to create differentiation to the brain (eg, change the speed of our movements) or suffer with chronic pain, [...]

Stop and smell the roses!

In line with this week’s Total Somatics’ Facebook video series ‘Mindful in May’ we are going to discuss how we can slow down and enjoy life; becoming mindful and savouring our surroundings. Your mind is absolutely amazing because it consists of conscious and unconscious mental activities and processes. You can reason, think, understand, judge, analyse, empathise, sympathise and imagine/visualise. We all have willpower (although that often needs working on!!), we can create intention, make choices and decide on an action. [...]

brain synapse

Can your emotions shape who you are?

In this article we are going to explore the relationship between Emotion, Mindfulness and Somatic awareness. It is a question that many people have wondered over the years. With modern scientific research and state of the art machinery, we are able to understand the complexity of the human body and brain to a greater degree than ever before. It is a very exciting time to be alive, watching the field of neuroscience in particular mushroom with evidence. Considering we have all [...]