Exploring The Emotion of Guilt Somatically

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a lovely week and have been enjoying my podcast series over the last few weeks. Thank you for all your wonderful comments, feedback and 'ah ha' moments from what I have been discussing within the episodes. Many of you have asked about the Total Somatics Membership. Periodically, I open registration for the Total Somatics Membership. So if you have been wanting to develop strategies to reduce pain, increase mobility, improve [...]

What Are You Allowing To Control Your Mindset & Emotions?

Hello! How are you? How is your week going? xx We are currently immersed with Mindful in May 2023. There have been amazing comments and feedback from the three FREE ONLINE workshops. If you haven't register yet, there's still time! Towards the end of this week, I will email out the REPLAY links and LIVE link for workshop 4. So please look out for that! Here are the titles of the workshops I have covered so far: TO REGISTER FOR THE FREE ONLINE EVENT, CLICK [...]

Habits shape who you are

Hello! How are you? I hope you have enjoyed a new level of awareness with the task I encouraged you to considered in the first of three podcast episodes developing the theme, Somatic in September. If you haven't listened to Episode 70, How your emotions show up in your body, CLICK HERE. Human behaviour and habits As we have experienced since March 2020, human behaviour has changed. People have had to adapt to new work and school environments with [...]

How your emotions are held within your body

Hello! How are you? It has been great hearing from so many of you regarding our upcoming 3 part FREE LIVE workshop together at the end of this month. If you are unable to watch LIVE, there will be an opportunity to watch it back on REPLAY for a few days. To receive all the details of the upcoming workshops and have the option to leave me two burning questions, CLICK HERE. Emotions and your body As you know [...]

Assessing & Harnessing your Habits

Hello! How are you? I hope you are keeping safe and well. I would like to ask you a question about your day, today. Have you considered all the intricate details and actions you have created today to bring you to this very moment? Thankfully, we have areas of our amazing brain that will take good care of us and we don't have to consciously think about it, such as the beat of our heart, every [...]