The Missing Link within the treatment of Back Pain

In this blog, I will be delving into the subject of back pain.  We will consider situations within my clinical practice and how you can take those lessons and apply them into your own situation. The buzz word! For many years I've heard the latest buzz word, from “weak” to “fragile”  to “activate” and the list goes on!  One buzz word and opinion which has been around for many years is to strengthen muscles to treat back pain.  If you are [...]

Does Strengthening Your Core & Stretching Really Ease Back Pain?

For many years it has been a common belief that strengthening the core muscles and stretching helps to ease back pain. In today’s blog we are going to consider this and see if old beliefs are still relevant or if the recent scientific research is highlighting something very different. Creatures of habit If you are a regular reader of my blogs you will know I often refer to actions of the human race as “creatures of habit.” We all have our [...]

How to Get the Best Out of Somatics & Reduce Pain

Over the years, I have received emails from people around the world asking how Somatics can help them. I also get people who find their muscles cramp and spasm with certain day to day movements. In this week’s blog I discuss how to get the best out of Somatics, reduce pain and work mindfully. I explain how we can avoid movements triggering muscle cramps and spasms. Replacing Old, Outdated Beliefs for Educated Ones Over the years the expression “No Pain, No [...]