How your emotions shape your body & physiology

I am sure you are aware with the way world events have shifted this year that your emotions create a huge impact on your body, mind and physiology.  If you are a regular reader of my blogs, a listener to my podcasts or a member with the Total Somatics online program , you are very well aware that our soma (entire mind, body and spirit) are intertwined. In this week’s podcast episode, I discuss what is happening within your nervous [...]

The Missing Link within the treatment of Back Pain

In this blog, I will be delving into the subject of back pain.  We will consider situations within my clinical practice and how you can take those lessons and apply them into your own situation. The buzz word! For many years I've heard the latest buzz word, from “weak” to “fragile”  to “activate” and the list goes on!  One buzz word and opinion which has been around for many years is to strengthen muscles to treat back pain.  If you are [...]

How your subconscious mind influences your health & daily habits

Have you ever wondered why you have recurring issues, either physical or emotional?  Have you ever wondered why they have such a strong hold over many of the things you do each day?  Do you know how powerful and influential your subconscious or unconscious mind actually is? In this week’s blog, we are going to consider these questions. Groundhog day In recent times, many of us have had a change in routine.  Maybe it is working from home, a reduction or [...]