Back Pain & how to manage it

Hello, how are you keeping? Recently I held one of the monthly members' workshop online and it was great revisiting the foundations of somatic movement and the principles. Interestingly enough, there are members that have been with Total Somatics for several years and they mentioned the workshop opened their eyes to a whole new area of their muscle, fascia and nerve health. That is what is great about The Total Somatics Membership, I keep up to [...]

Recalibrate, Reset & Reframe for 2021

Hello, how are you?  Well, here we are, in 2021!  As last week’s podcast highlighted, this time of the year people have resolutions to create a new start to the year.  As I mentioned in last week’s podcast, when we switch our focus to FUNDAMENTAL INTENTION, this creates a whole different view on our health and wellbeing.  To carry on the theme from last week’s podcast, Total Somatics has created a theme for this month within the fundamental intention of [...]