Recalibrate, Reset & Reframe for 2021

Hello, how are you? Well, here we are, in 2021! As last week’s podcast highlighted, this time of the year people have resolutions to create a new start to the year. As I mentioned in last week’s podcast, when we switch our focus to FUNDAMENTAL INTENTION, this creates a whole different view on our health and wellbeing.

To carry on the theme from last week’s podcast, Total Somatics has created a theme for this month within the fundamental intention of helping to provide proactive measures to Recalbrate, Reset and Reframe for 2021. If you follow Total Somatics on Facebook, you will notice that I created a 3 day Recalibrate, Reset and Reframe for 2021 video series. Apart from the cute Australian wildlife making an appearance within the video footage, the 3 video series was to start creating fundamental intention. If you are not following Total Somatics on Facebook, you’re welcome to join the wonderful community by CLICKING HERE.

As I mentioned within the video series, I will continue to develop the somatic practices suggested within the video series at the end of January with the Total Somatics LIVE experience. If you cannot attend LIVE, there will be an opportunity to watch the workshops on play back.

Somatic Health & Wellbeing

If you are a regular reader of my blogs, listen to my podcasts or are a member of Total Somatics, you will know that I am always encouraging us all to take care of our somatic health and wellbeing. Within Somatics, we use the expression “soma” which is from the Greek for the entire mind and body. As we all know from our life experiences, we cannot separate your mind and body, they are beautifully intertwined to create the amazing, unique person we individually are.

However, with life challenges and 2020 being a year we are all happy to pass, events and experiences can leave an imprint. That is why, like we would do with a phone or computer, we are always wanting to update the software. However, phones and computers are easy to replace, whereas we have this amazing soma and the way we treat it, either in a healthy, nurturing way or a negative, critical way will create results on our emotional, mental, spiritual and physical health. Our software which in part is our nervous system, requires a regular software update.

That is why to begin 2021 with fundamental intention, lots of wonderful gifts and resources are coming your way. If you are a member within The Total Somatics Membership, you will know that a new feature has been added to the “Support Material” section. This is to complement the mindset of Fundamental Intention towards a Total Somatic Lifestyle.

In this week’s podcast I interview the lovely Kerry Magnus. Kerry Magnus is a Psychologist in Cape Town, South Africa. We connected through a group of Health and wellbeing experts that have a Somatic approach to health and wellbeing. Kerry has contributed wonderful content to the Total Somatics Membership, creating additional skills to develop Somatic Embodiment.

To listen to this week’s episode, CLICK HERE.

As we approach the Total Somatics LIVE experience, keep up to date with what is happening and details on how to watch or attend LIVE by subscribing to Total Somatics. With so many more gifts coming your way in 2021, together we can support each other within the Total Somatics community with FUNDAMENTAL INTENTION.

By regularly updating your ‘software’ with Recalibrate, Reset & Reframe principles, we can create RESILIENCE, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically.

Stay connected with Total Somatics and allow me to support you with your fundamental intention. CLICK HERE to enjoy my FREE 32 minute workshop, entitled "How to manage your internal environment during challenging times."

Enjoy my resources and support material this week.
Keep in touch and take care.
All my love and best wishes,
Heidi Hadley xx

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