Muscle Memory, Somatics and Stretching

In this week’s blog I will be discussing what muscle memory is and how Somatics is a much more efficient way to release tight and tense muscles than stretching. Mindfulness with Total Somatics centres around releasing chronically tight muscles, reducing pain, improving mobility and providing skills to empower and educate you to take back control of you health and well being. Mindfulness with Total Somatics ( works at changing muscle memory. What exactly is muscle memory? To begin with, there’s no [...]

Do you REALLY have control over your coordination and posture?

In previous blogs I have discussed how our internal awareness to the way we move and control our muscles can be very challenging. But why? Surely as intelligent adults we have full control of how we move our body. Unfortunately this is not the case! In today’s blog I am going to discuss what this awareness actually is, why we cannot control certain muscles and how we can REGAIN coordination and control areas of our body which have been [...]

The close relationship between Stress and Inflammation

In my previous blog I discussed how we can self manage chronic pain. Many would agree that one of the main causes for chronic pain stems from inflammation. But interestingly enough, scientific research in recent times has shown a strong link between stress and inflammation. I’m sure you would agree that the words inflammation, anti inflammatory, stress and anxiety are expressions used a lot in modern day society. So it is no surprise that these two key words, ‘stress’ and ‘inflammation’ are [...]


The power of your mind

Neuroscience and psychology have long talked about the power of the mind and how our internal dialogue plays a huge role in our emotional, physical and mental health and well being. In line with this week’s Total Somatics: ‘Mindful in May’ Facebook video series (posted on Monday 15th May), we will look at the science behind our thoughts and emotions. We will see how the expression from the late Wayne Dyer, “It all begins with how we choose to [...]

How is your posture?

In this blog we are going to explore the subject of posture and biomechanics. Total Somatics has a weekly ‘Mindful in May’ video series on Facebook (which can also be found after May 2017 on the Total Somatics You Tube channel). This week the Total Somatics Facebook video discusses mindfulness with our posture and biomechanics. So let’s start by looking at our posture. The main part of our anatomy which influences our posture is the spinal column. When viewed from [...]