Is Sugar controlling you?

Sugar is something we cannot avoid nowadays, it’s everywhere. We find it in foods, drinks, sauces, spices and medication. It may be labeled as sugar or given a different name such as high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, dextrose, agave, maltose or rice syrup. Each of these variations still create a blood sugar surge before dropping, with us wanting another blood sugar level boost. In today’s blog, we are going to look at how sugar influences our brain and other body [...]

Can physical symptoms and habitual behavioural responses be due to repressed emotions?

I am sure you have experienced stress and anxiety over the years and noticed a link between your emotions and the physiological effects on you. This is not a coincidence. In today’s blog I am going to discuss why symptoms and behavioural responses can be due to repressed emotions. Many doctors will tell you that over their years in clinical practice they notice many patients exhibiting physical problems due to repressed emotions. So how exactly would we define repressed emotions? [...]

improve posture


SOMATIC in SEPTEMBER Week 1 Hello everybody! I hope you are all well. Every week this month I will be sending you a video, additional information to read PLUS audios to listen to so you can start increasing your awareness to various areas of your life. Today I would like to highlight how we stand, walk and hold ourselves. Check out my video below (apologies for the sound quality) and then after the video allow me to teach you how you can [...]


The Power your Mind has over your Body

In this week’s blog I have a video to accompany this article. I would like to explain how the power of your thoughts and emotions have a huge effect on your physical health and well being. As you know from my previous blogs and in greater detail with my online programs at you cannot separate your mind and body. They work very closely together. Your body has a huge influence over your mind plus your mind controls your body. [...]

Postural changes and improved movement with Somatics

In this week’s blog I am going to discuss the fantastic effects Somatics has on your posture and how you move on a daily basis. If you follow Total Somatics on Facebook or Instagram, you will recall last week I posted a before and after photo of a client who gave me permission to publish the photo. He has made amazing progress with his personal Somatics practise. Let me tell you about my client, whom I will called John. John is [...]