How Somatic Rib Release techniques can help with Back Pain

The combination of stress, a sedentary lifestyle and being easily available via social media, email and text messaging has created a low to medium level of pressure for people globally. In today’s blog we are going to consider an area of the body which is impacted by these factors and is often forgotten, yet it holds a great deal of tension and contributes towards headaches, neck, shoulder and back pain. The Ribs Your rib cage is an amazing part of your [...]

How your Emotions and Mindset can influence Back Pain

In today’s blog I am going to explain why there is a strong link between emotions, mindset and back pain. Over the years in my clinical practice I have seen a strong correlation between a client’s mindset, daily habits, behaviours and their level of pain. To support my own discovery, copious amounts of research has and continues to be released. Let’s look at why they are all related….. The mind - body connection If you are a regular reader of my [...]

Why developing a positive mindset is crucial for your Health & Well being

In today’s blog we are going to consider why our thoughts have an effect for the good or detriment of our health and well being. As somebody who has an interest in creating a healthier life and mindset, you will know that within the field of Somatics, we know that our mind and what we think, do and say will have a direct effect on our body. We also know whatever happens in or to our body, it has [...]

How to Increase Productivity with The Total Somatics Approach to Health and Well Being.

Well we are here! 2018 has arrived! We are all refreshed and focused for an very exciting year ahead. We can have so many good intentions and get carried away without any real structure or plan. In today’s blog we are going to consider areas of our life which may need adjusting in order to live and maintain The Total Somatics Approach to Health and Well being. Can you recall a time when you felt over tired? Life seemed to [...]