How You Have Grown Over The Year

Hello! How are you? xx I hope you are able to rest and recuperate over this holiday period. Thank you so much for your ongoing support and all your wonderful comments during the year. xx Enjoy my podcast which is also a round up for the year and a way for me to say thank you. Hopefully you can feel my love and well wishes through the air waves from this episode! xx TO WATCH my podcast for this [...]

Motion is Lotion

Hello! How are you? I hope you are able to find some time to rest and recuperate during a very busy time of the year! Thank you for all your comments and questions after last week's blog. Please keep your comments and questions flowing to me at In this week's podcast, I delve into the incredible world underneath your skin and in particular in this episode, I geek on on your AMAZING brain! You will learn [...]

The Most Popular Approach to Ease Back Pain

Hello! How are you? xx I hope you are having a great week and pacing yourself! I have had so many questions about where to go within The Total Somatics Online Shop for resources. The number 1 question asked is "How can I ease my back pain?" If you are within the Total Somatics Membership, you are very well aware of the rich resources to support you with this question and many more. However, if you are [...]

Habitual Thinking Traps

Hello! How are you? I hope amongst all the chaos, you are keeping well and resting. xx As we draw towards a busy time of the year, we may be placed in very challenging situations. Family dynamics can be very challenging and especially if certain members of the family are hypersensitive, catastrophising, provocative or negative in their words and actions. Within this week's podcast, I delve into the 5 common Habitual Thinking Traps. If we are aware of [...]