The Importance of Perception & Being Present

Hello! xx How are you? How is your week going so far? I hope you are well and your week is running smoothly. xx It has been lovely hearing from so many of you and how the digital courses within the Total Somatics shop have been creating huge improvements to your health, wellbeing, pain and movement. As many of you know, if you read my blog last week or we have been in contact with each [...]

The Importance of Micro Movements

Hello! How are you? I hope your week is going well! xx Thank you for all your lovely messages and emails. I absolutely love hearing from you, it is wonderful to be connected with such a gorgeous community of like minded individuals globally. xx I have exciting news! If you have been waiting for The Total Somatics Membership doors to open, I will be opening them VERY SOON! Please stay connected because the membership doors only [...]

The Power of Visualisation for a Calmer Mind

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a lovely week. This month is certainly racing by! xx Thank you for all your wonderful comments regarding my latest digital course, "Release Shoulder, Neck & Rib Rigidity with Clinical Somatic Movement." It has been great to hear how it is already transforming peoples' health and wellbeing. I have also had many questions about enrolment for the Total Somatics Online Membership. I will be opening the membership [...]

Walking Meditation for a Calming Mind

Hello! I hope you are well. xx I am working in Sydney this week. I'm based in the beachside beautiful suburb of Manly. So in between work, I am walking along the stunning coastline. It has been really nice hiring a bike to one of the outside swimming pools, overlooking the ocean and enjoying the gorgeous scenery. My week in Sydney ties in beautifully with my latest podcast episode. Before I share my podcast for this week with [...]