Are you in tune with your Mind & Body?

Over the years many people develop injuries, undergo surgeries and encounter stress and health diagnoses which contribute towards added pressure and trauma to their SOMA or whole person. In today’s blog I am going to discuss how we can overcome this issue and I have provided a 45 minute detailed soma scan with arch and flatten to increase awareness to how your soma is moving, sensing and feeling. Family Dynamics Firstly I am going to discuss family dynamics. If you find [...]


Self management of Chronic pain

From time to time we may suffer with pain.  But for some, pain is a daily issue which can overwhelm and restrict their quality of life.  Chronic pain can last way beyond the expected time for healing and repair following surgery or a trauma.  To deal with chronic pain certain pharmaceutical drugs such as codeine or other opioids are administered.  Research by DC Turk on ‘the clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness of treatments for patients in chronic pain’ revealed [...]

lower back pain

The Vicious cycle of back pain and limited range of movement

Do you find that you often suffer with back pain? You take a visit to the physio, chiro or massage therapist and feel relief, only for the problem to arise again within a short space of time?  You are not alone!  Many feel the same way.  As a massage therapist myself, many clients often comment that they float out of my clinic room on cloud 9 feeling a reduction in pain, only to tumble back down to earth within [...]

lower back pain

BACK PAIN – What can you do to deal with it?

Lower back pain is a very common complaint and is affecting people of all ages, from children to the elderly.  The 2010 Global Burden of Disease Study estimated that low back pain is among the top 10 diseases and injuries that account for sick days globally.  According to the study, the lifetime prevalence of non specific (common) low back pain is estimated at 60-70% in industrialised countries.  Although the prevalence rate for children and adolescents is lower, this figure [...]