Moving forward in to 2021 with healthy intentions

Hello, how are you? I hope you are keeping safe and well. I am sure you would agree with me that 2020 has been a year that has thrown many challenges at us. As nauseating as the expression may be, it has certainly been and continues to be a character building, refining process for us all. It has opened and exposed us to many areas of our life. At times, creating opportunities for us to simplify our life and [...]

The importance of Hydration

As you may be aware, Total Somatics encourages people around the world to become somatically and holistically aware of their mind and body, considering their emotional, mental and physical health.  If you are a member within The Total Somatics Membership program, you will know from many of the videos, workshops and additional advice within the membership, I encourage you to deepen your awareness to various areas of your life.  When we stand back with soft eyes and look at [...]