Moving forward in to 2021 with healthy intentions
Hello, how are you? I hope you are keeping safe and well. I am sure you would agree with me that 2020 has been a year that has thrown many challenges at us. As nauseating as the expression may be, it has certainly been and continues to be a character building, refining process for us all. It has opened and exposed us to many areas of our life. At times, creating opportunities for us to simplify our life and reassess what is important.
One area that many have reassessed in their life is, health. This is also an area many people are considering as we begin a new year. However, many people use the expressions “willpower” and “resolutions.” Interestingly, many find that within a matter of weeks, they have (their words, not mine) “succumbed to their temptations.” As a result, many people feel disheartened.
In this week’s podcast I discuss this subject and how we can shift our mindset to create a more somatic, nurturing, kind and caring approach to our health and wellbeing.
To listen to this week’s podcast episode, CLICK HERE.
Total Somatics has so many exciting things happening in January! Let me break down each part!
I am so excited to be integrating a new feature into the membership program. I will be sending Total Somatics members an email on Sunday 3rd January 2021 with all the new details in the launch! Total Somatics has been growing over the last few years and I am so excited to be bringing international experts into the program to further develop your skills and knowledge within the field of Somatic health and wellbeing. The support material and content within The Total Somatics Membership has been bringing fantastic results to members and is transforming their life by reducing pain, improving posture, increasing their mobility and developing a deeper level of understanding about themselves, working from the inside out.
In next week’s podcast, I will be revealing the new feature with a very special guest. If you would like to know more about what the members will be experiencing within the Membership, please check out next week’s podcast.
You can listen to all the episodes from “Somatic Movement & Mindset” by CLICKING HERE.
I also want to use this opportunity to thank all the Total Somatics members for being such a wonderful group of people to work with. I have loved hearing from you throughout the year and how Total Somatics has helped to transform so many areas of your life. I look forward to supporting and serving you as we navigate 2021 together xxx.

LIVE events in 2021!
During the week commencing 25th January 2021, I will be holding LIVE events. These events will be to help frame the year ahead with Total Somatic Movement, Mindset, Mindfulness and Lifestyle principles. If you are unable to watch LIVE, you will have the opportunity to watch the replays.
I will be announcing more details closer to the date. In the meantime, stay up to date with Total Somatics by subscribing to the weekly blogs and podcasts.
Thank you to everyone that has embraced Total Somatics, listening to the weekly podcasts and reading the content at I am so glad you have reached out to Total Somatics and I hope at some point in the future our paths will cross, either in the Membership or at other events.
I wish you and your loved ones a healthy and happy 2021.
Keep in touch and take care.
All my love,
Heidi Hadley xx