The importance of Hydration

As you may be aware, Total Somatics encourages people around the world to become somatically and holistically aware of their mind and body, considering their emotional, mental and physical health.  If you are a member within The Total Somatics Membership program, you will know from many of the videos, workshops and additional advice within the membership, I encourage you to deepen your awareness to various areas of your life.  When we stand back with soft eyes and look at [...]

The Benefits of Mindful Somatic Movement

In today’s blog we are going to look at how Mindful Somatic Movement is beneficial on many levels. If you are a regular reader of my weekly blogs you will know that Somatic Movement is fantastic for reducing pain, improving posture, increasing mobility and allowing people to continue or resume activities they love to do. However today we will look at how Mindful Somatic Movement can work on a deeper level. The Benefits of Improving Awareness Mindful Somatic Movement is very [...]

How to Keep Your Brain & Body Active!

The Total Somatics Approach to Health & Wellness Online Program at educates and empowers you within the area of health and well being. If you are logged in to my online program, you will know how often I discuss the importance of Neuroplasticity,  the process which increases neural connections within your brain. In today’s blog we will consider why our brain is amazing. By using it in a methodical and intelligent manner you can reduce pain, improve posture, increase [...]