Practice & Persistence Makes Permanence

The old expression “Practice makes Perfect” is unrealistic and unattainable. In today’s blog we are going to consider how creating a healthy daily Somatics practice will create a permanent habit with the help of Neuroplasticity. Move Away From Perfectionism If you are a regular reader of my blogs, currently using my online program or are partaking in the Total Somatics Free Challenge, you know how I encourage you to move away from perfectionism. Firstly practice will not make you perfect, it’s [...]

The Total Somatics FREE Challenge

I hope the first few days of 2019 has been a good start for you.  To support your new year intentions and resolutions, I am really excited to announce The Total Somatics FREE Challenge.  I wanted to create a challenge which will provide skills and knowledge to help towards designing a 2019 full of good health and wellness. Would you like to learn skills which will reduce your pain, improve posture, increase mobility and allow you to return to the [...]