The Power of your Sixth Sense

Hello! How are you? How is your week going? Before I introduce you to my podcast for this week, I wanted to share 2 upcoming events with you. The Total Somatics LIVE Experience 2022 Every year I hold this FREE event online. It is a great time to Rest, Recalibrate & Recuperate as we end this year and embrace a new year of good health and happiness. Here is a brief video explaining what The Total Somatics LIVE Experience will [...]

The Importance of Internal Awareness

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a lovely week. xx Before I share this week's podcast with you, I would love to invite you to the annual FREE online event in November - The Total Somatics LIVE Experience! The Total Somatics LIVE Experience covers the areas of health and wellbeing with a Total Somatic approach. Notice with this video how The Total Somatics LIVE Experience can support you in November and beyond! TO LEARN MORE & JOIN, CLICK [...]

How to create Somatic Mindfulness in an ever changing world

I am sure you would agree with me that 2020 has certainly been a year of mixed emotions and challenges.  In some cases however, it has refined our behaviour, allowing us to realise what is important, creating changes within our personal and professional life. As we see the end of 2020 approaching, it allows us to assess our emotional, mental and physical health.  One very important area is how to create a resilient and balanced approach to an ever changing [...]

Practice & Persistence Makes Permanence

The old expression “Practice makes Perfect” is unrealistic and unattainable. In today’s blog we are going to consider how creating a healthy daily Somatics practice will create a permanent habit with the help of Neuroplasticity. Move Away From Perfectionism If you are a regular reader of my blogs, currently using my online program or are partaking in the Total Somatics Free Challenge, you know how I encourage you to move away from perfectionism. Firstly practice will not make you perfect, it’s [...]

Creating a Work/Life balance for your Physical, Emotional, Mental Health & Well being.

Do you find that there are times when the balance between life and work seems to go off track?  With the combination of stress and long hours at work, your muscles and joints feeling tight, ‘jammed’ and the pain that was once ‘niggly’ is now intense; all these factors can get too much to handle.  During these times you may have forgotten to take care of your health and well being, putting work first. Most people can relate to [...]