The Benefits of using Somatics to Ease Muscle Tightness Before & After Exercise

If you are involved with a sport, repetitive activity or suffer with muscle tightness and pain, did you know Somatics can help you ease your discomfort? In this week’s blog I am going to explain why Somatics is fantastic to add into your fitness regime to allow your muscles to fully release. Thus, helping you to gain greater power and improve recovery time. Working intelligently with your muscles For many years people have stretched, tugged, yanked, twisted, drugged, heated, cooled and [...]

Can physical symptoms and habitual behavioural responses be due to repressed emotions?

I am sure you have experienced stress and anxiety over the years and noticed a link between your emotions and the physiological effects on you.  This is not a coincidence.  In today’s blog I am going to discuss why symptoms and behavioural responses can be due to repressed emotions. Many doctors will tell you that over their years in clinical practice they notice many patients exhibiting physical problems due to repressed emotions.   So how exactly would we define repressed emotions? [...]