Learn How to Discharge Suppressed Emotions

Hello! How are you? How is your week going? xx We are currently in the middle of Mindful in May 2023. There have been amazing comments and feedback from the first two FREE ONLINE workshops. If you haven't register yet, there's still time! Towards the end of this week, I will email out the REPLAY links and LIVE link for workshop 3. So please look out for that! Here are the titles of the workshops I have covered so far: TO REGISTER FOR THE FREE [...]

Reducing Tension & Pain with Somatics

Have you ever felt so anxious, overwhelmed or annoyed that after the event you feel completely exhausted and your body feels like it has been through an ordeal with specific symptoms? In today’s blog we are going to look at how stress can create disharmony for our mind and body. We will also look at why Somatics is growing in popularity as an effective Mind and Body tool to reduce tension and pain. Feeling the pressure In modern day society we hear [...]

Can physical symptoms and habitual behavioural responses be due to repressed emotions?

I am sure you have experienced stress and anxiety over the years and noticed a link between your emotions and the physiological effects on you.  This is not a coincidence.  In today’s blog I am going to discuss why symptoms and behavioural responses can be due to repressed emotions. Many doctors will tell you that over their years in clinical practice they notice many patients exhibiting physical problems due to repressed emotions.   So how exactly would we define repressed emotions? [...]