Change your Genes, Change Your Life – The Science of Epigenetics

Hello! How are you? xx It has been lovely welcoming new friends into The Total Somatics Membership. It is a very exciting time to be in the membership because there's some incredibly special news that all members within the Total Somatics membership will benefit from very soon! I will share this with people outside of the Total Somatics membership in the coming weeks. However, releasing this news within the Total Somatics community will be very special, [...]

Reconnect & Re-centre with Somatic Mindfulness

Hello! How are you? Wow! I have been amazed by all your lovely comments from my request last time to let me know how you are feeling. It has been wonderful to hear how each of the resources has provided huge support for you. Many have been asking when I would be opening the Total Somatics Online Membership. Well, I can officially announce the membership doors are now OPEN! The Total Somatics Membership doors will close on FRIDAY 4TH OCTOBER [...]

Reconnect & Reset Your Mindset with Somatics

Hello! How has your week been? I hope you are well. xx This week, we will exploring another aspect of SOMATIC IN SEPTEMBER and you will find your third practical resource included in the podcast episode. TO DOWNLOAD your FREE Resource,CLICK HERE. Continue Learning with the Total Somatics To delve deeper into Clinical Somatic Movement, I will open the Total Somatics Membership doors at the end of this week, so please look out for my announcement. If you are subscribed to my blogs, you will be sent [...]

Reconnect & Regulate Your Nervous System with Somatics

Hello! How has your week been? I hope you are well. xx This week, we will delving deeper into another aspect of SOMATIC IN SEPTEMBER and you will find your second practical resource included in the podcast episode. TO DOWNLOAD your FREE Resource,CLICK HERE. Continue Learning with the Total Somatics To delve deeper into Clinical Somatic Movement, I will open the Total Somatics Membership doors at the end of this month, so please look out for my announcement. If you are subscribed to my blogs, you will [...]

Heidi Hadley’s TEDx Talk Has Been Released!

Hello! xx Guess What?! I am so excited to announce that my TEDx talk has been released! TEDx are excited for me to bring Pandiculation to the world. Please share my TEDx talk with as many people as possible! Please take a screenshot of my TEDx talk and share a takeaway point on your social media account with the hashtag, #PandiculationUnleashed I will periodically choose people that have share screen shots and used the hash tag #PandiculationUnleashed and offer you a [...]