Menopause Uncovered: Reclaiming Confidence, Health & Vitality

Hello! How are you? xx Latest news! It has been fantastic sharing Clinical Somatic Movement, Mindset and Mindfulness to people globally with The Shift Network. I am currently holding a 7 week course on Mindful Somatics & Neuroplasticity. After the first Somatic movement session, people were amazed at the improved changes in pain level and movement. If you would like to join my 7-week course, you will have access to the weeks that you have missed. There is [...]

Maintaining a Healthy Brain with Clinical Somatic Movement

Hello! How is your week going? I hope you are keep well. xx Next weekend is our annual Menopause Summit. If you haven't registered for the FREE ONLINE event and it is a subject that resonates with you and others, please sign up. It will be packed with so much wonderful advice and the global community joining LIVE will be fantastic too. You will be able to leave your questions in the chat bar for our [...]

The Reason For “One Leg Being Longer Than The Other.”

Hello! How are you? I hope your week is going well. xx Thank you for all your beautiful messages, my sister is getting stronger by the day. She has a long road ahead with her recovery, but she is doing well. I keep telling her she is a miracle! x I would also like to thank you for your questions and comments. Your input really helps me continue to focus on what you need, so I [...]

The Menopause Summit 2024

Hello xx I hope this message finds you well and you are having a good weekend! Total Somatics International is excited to invite you to our upcoming online event, The Menopause Summit, where we'll explore a holistic approach to navigating this transformative phase of life. TO FIND THE TIME & DATE FOR YOUR LOCATION, GO TO: Location: Online CLICK HERE to Register ✨ Why Attend? Menopause is a unique and powerful journey that deserves attention and support. Our summit brings together experts in medicine, [...]

The Connection between Passion, Purpose & Mindset

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a good week so far. xx This week, I have a few announcements for you. So let's get started! To start 2023 in style with a focus towards a resilient and flexible nervous system, there is a 20% discount on all products within the ONLINE SHOP. Also, keep an eye out in the ONLINE SHOP because a new 3 part workshop will be appearing in the coming days! It [...]