Understanding and Managing Stress

Hello! How are you? xx I hope you have had a good week, so far. xx Did you notice my extra special blog at the end of last week? A Total Somatics member wrote a wonderful article and shared how Total Somatics has helped her chronic pain. If you haven't read the article, CLICK HERE. The enrollment season for The Total Somatics Membership will soon be over, so please take advantage of this extended period before the doors [...]

Heal from Chronic Pain

Hello! How are you? xx I wanted to share a really lovely article written by a lady who is in The Total Somatics Membership. She sent me the article and it touched my heart. I thanked her for being so vulnerable and sharing her account because it will benefit so many people globally. To read her article, CLICK HERE. If you would like to join The Total Somatics Online Membership, just like this lady, you will benefit from the [...]

The Mind & Body Cannot Be Separated

Hello! How are you? xx It has been an action-packed few weeks since I last wrote. I hope life has been good on your end too. I will teach module 5 of 7 this week with The Shift Network. There is still time to register for the event because you can keep the 7 modules and all the support material permanently. Notice the wonderful comment from a person after module 4. If you would like to learn [...]

Future Proof Your Health with Total Somatics

Hello! How are you? How is your week going? The month is racing by! xx As we step further into the year, how are your New Year's intentions holding up? January often begins with enthusiasm, but as life’s demands take over, those well-intentioned health and wellness goals can start to slip away. If you’ve found yourself losing momentum, you’re not alone and more importantly, you have a chance to reset, refocus, and revitalize your wellbeing. This is your opportunity [...]

Menopause Uncovered: Reclaiming Confidence, Health & Vitality

Hello! How are you? xx Latest news! It has been fantastic sharing Clinical Somatic Movement, Mindset and Mindfulness to people globally with The Shift Network. I am currently holding a 7 week course on Mindful Somatics & Neuroplasticity. After the first Somatic movement session, people were amazed at the improved changes in pain level and movement. If you would like to join my 7-week course, you will have access to the weeks that you have missed. There is [...]