Flexibility In Your Nervous System

Hello! xx I hope you had a great week and are looking forward to (hopefully) a restful weekend! xx I have two special announcements! First, you may be aware that in January I will be holding a FREE ONLINE event. If you would like to learn more and register to receive more details closer to the date, CLICK HERE. The second announcement is, that I have opened the membership doors for a few days. The membership doors [...]

Self Care & Compassion

Hello! xx How is your week going? I hope you are well. xx This week The Total Somatics Membership doors are open for enrolment. I only open the doors a handful of times each year for a just a few days. It would be lovely to welcome you into the Total Somatics membership where you can find resources tailored to your needs. https://youtu.be/PkDD_JpBqKU?si=Xj6EDDg3GiAgy5Gf CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE Enrolment closes 30th September 2023 Here are a few details about The Total Somatics [...]

Depression & Anxiety – Understanding The Two States

Hello! How has your week been so far? I hope it is going well. xx Thank you so much for your wonderful messages in recent weeks. I am also very appreciative of your feedback. Something that has been a recurrent theme in recent weeks is the overwhelming positive feedback about the content created from Total Somatics and the respectful frequency of my emails. I am very well aware that in the era of online marketing, people [...]

Strategies To Create a Regulated Nervous System

Hello! How are you? I have just finished a wonderful month with Mindful in May, connecting with so many around the world. It has been fantastic hearing from you all about your takeaway points and 'eureka' moments. I love Mindful in May because it allows us all to stop and recalibrate, before embracing the second half of the year. If you missed the Mindful in May series, you too will still be able to benefit because [...]

Addressing Lower Back Pain & A Protruding Belly

Hello! How are you? I have just enjoyed a few really interesting study days in Sydney with Dr Bessel Van Der Kolk. He was delving into Trauma, Attachment and Neuroscience. I will be sharing lots with The Total Somatics members, so please look out for more within the Total Somatics Membership. The Total Somatics Membership -doors open soon! If you have been wondering when The Total Somatics membership doors will open again, STAY CONNECTED, VERY SOON I will be making [...]