Embodiment & Clinical Somatic Movement

Hello! How are you? xx I hope your week is going really well. Thank you for your lovely comments about my recent podcasts, it is great delving into the intelligence we have and how we can harness it for better health. My latest podcast delves further into the subject of embodiment. I mention how incredible our Soma is and recall the intelligence with my sister's recovery. I have since noticed her beautiful comments below the YouTube [...]

Stimulating Environments, Learning & Clinical Somatic Movement

Hello! How are you? I hope you are well. xx I am really exciting about my surprise news which I will tell you as soon as I can!! Many of you keep asking what it could possibly be!! Once it has launched, I will let you know immediately!! The secrecy is killing me!! If you are subscribed to my blogs and podcasts, I will be announcing my incredibly special and exciting announcement [...]

Competitive Plasticity & Clinical Somatic Movement

Hello! How are you? xx It has been lovely welcoming new friends into the Total Somatics membership. We have had an action packed weekend within the membership! Thank you for all your lovely messages and comments. xx If you missed enrolment for the Total Somatics Membership, CLICK HERE to join the WAIT LIST. From time to time, we open the doors for 48 hours. So if you are on the WAITLIST, you will be notified immediately. Stay [...]

Who are you allowing to pull your strings & influence your wellbeing?

Hello! How is your week going? xx It was so lovely to connect with many of you LIVE online. Thank you for joining me. xx Thank you too, to all the beautiful people that watched the REPLAY and have sent gorgeous messages. If you haven't watched the REPLAY, I discuss how we can regulate our nervous system and release chronically tight muscles. The fast paced, media saturated world we live in, is creating huge dysregulation to [...]

The Importance Of Movement

Hello! How are you? xx I am looking forward to connecting with you online this weekend. Have you registered? If not, there is still time. TO REGISTER FOR THE FREE ONLINE EVENT, CLICK HERE. Within this FREE ONLINE event, I will teach you how Clinical Somatic Movement, Total Somatic Mindfulness, and Mindset can reduce pain, improve posture, increase mobility, and transform habits and rituals that are currently creating recurring pain and injuries. You will [...]