Somatic in September WEEK TWO

Welcome to week 2 of Somatic in September! I hope you enjoyed bringing somatic awareness into your daily life by first and foremost focusing on creating a self care practise. Consider the following video as I discuss the theme for this week. THE POWER OF THOUGHT This week we are going to consider the power of your thoughts. Within your brain you have an area known as the Reticular Activating System (RAS). It acts as a filter which influences your perception on [...]

How your Mind & Movement can improve your Brain to Body Health & Wellness

In this week’s blog we are going to delve into the fascinating world of your brain! We will look at how the quality of your movement and mindset will mould the structure and functioning of your amazing brain. Our Brain is like a Sponge! I am sure you have watched little children explore the world around them and marvelled at how curious they are and they always challenge themselves. For instance how often have you watched a baby attempt to walk, [...]