Somatic in September WEEK TWO

Welcome to week 2 of Somatic in September! I hope you enjoyed bringing somatic awareness into your daily life by first and foremost focusing on creating a self care practise. Consider the following video as I discuss the theme for this week. THE POWER OF THOUGHT This week we are going to consider the power of your thoughts. Within your brain you have an area known as the Reticular Activating System (RAS). It acts as a filter which influences your perception on [...]

Week 2 – Somatic In September

 How movement and emotion are linked In this week’s blog I will be developing another area of ‘Somatic in September’ and combining it with 'R U OK?' On Thursday 13th September, Australia has a day known as “R U OK?” It is designed to increase awareness of mental health. If you are living outside of Australia, this day is still worth considering as mental health is a subject we must all be aware of and sensitive to. In the following video [...]