The Importance of Self Care for your Mental & Physical Health

Self care is very important and in this week’s blog I will be highlighting how we can care for ourselves in a very busy and technological world. If you are a regular reader of my blogs and daily social media posts on instagram (@total.somatics) and Facebook (@totalsomatics), you know that I am an advocate for mental health awareness. In September I will be involved in a sponsored 30km walk over varying terrains for mental health and suicide awareness. I will [...]

Week 2 – Somatic In September

 How movement and emotion are linked In this week’s blog I will be developing another area of ‘Somatic in September’ and combining it with 'R U OK?' On Thursday 13th September, Australia has a day known as “R U OK?” It is designed to increase awareness of mental health. If you are living outside of Australia, this day is still worth considering as mental health is a subject we must all be aware of and sensitive to. In the following video [...]

The Importance of Belly Breathing for Stress & Pain Reduction

In this week’s blog I am going to discuss the strong link between stress, pain and belly breathing. You will learn how stress occurs within our mind and body, how this translates to pain and why belly breathing is an important approach to reversing many stress and pain related issues. Stress Stress certainly doesn’t need much of an introduction. We have all endured various levels of stress in our life and we can guarantee it will occur again. But is it [...]