The Total Somatics LIVE Experience is coming to you!

Hello everyone! I am really excited to be announcing the upcoming details for the Total Somatics LIVE Experience. If you read my recent blog, you will know Total Somatics' Theme for January is: "Recalibrate, Reset & Reframe for 2021" To create Focus, Clarity and Momentum as we move forward in to 2021, I will be holding The Total Somatics LIVE Experience. You have the option of joining me LIVE for the workshops or you can watch them back on [...]

How your emotions shape your body & physiology

I am sure you are aware with the way world events have shifted this year that your emotions create a huge impact on your body, mind and physiology.  If you are a regular reader of my blogs, a listener to my podcasts or a member with the Total Somatics online program , you are very well aware that our soma (entire mind, body and spirit) are intertwined. In this week’s podcast episode, I discuss what is happening within your nervous [...]

The connection between Somatics, Brain health & your Gut

Hello, I hope you are keeping well.  I have enjoyed hearing from many of you about the benefits you are gaining from the somatic audio classes available to purchase.  It is brilliant to see and hear of the transformations within a short period of time.  However, if you are a regular reader of my blogs, listen to my podcast or a member within the online program, you will be fully aware of the amazing capacity your brain and body [...]

Epigenetics – you are in the driving seat!

Hello, how are you?  I hope you are keeping well.  This week I would like to ask you, do you think you can change your genes?  Do you think your genetics and family history are “set in stone?”  In this week’s blog I would like to provide a podcast to explain how your genes are not your destiny!  The science of epigenetics has also made it clear that there are two mechanisms by which organisms pass on hereditary information, [...]

How to support your mind & body during turbulent times – Week 4

In our final week for this month’s theme on how to support your mind and body during turbulent times, I would like to ask you, where do you place the importance of your health and wellbeing in your daily life and activities?  At times, we can be focused on other family members or engrossed in our work.  During these challenging times, it could be because we are operating a lot of the time out of fear.  Maybe it is [...]