Words have Power

Words have always played a crucial role in human history, from the written and spoken word to sign language. Whatever your method, words carry a lot of weight. In this week’s blog we are going to consider the power of your words and how they can impact on you. Your amazing mind Words have created wars and peace around the world over the years. They are powerful and will affect many people as a result. However we are going to consider [...]

How to Create a Healthy Somatic Mindset

In this week’s blog we are going to discuss why a healthy somatic mindset is important. We will consider a few steps to create a healthy mindset. Before we do, let’s consider a few questions and allow them to start considering this subject. Whilst considering these questions, please direct them to you and no one else. This self reflection is part of uncovering what makes us ‘tick’ as an individual. It allows us to notice patterns of behaviour which may [...]

Your Mind & Body Connection

In this week’s blog we are going to explore the close connection between your mind and body and why you should consider them both when you want to address your health issues and goals. The Close Connection Your mind and body are very closely connected, the one heavily influences the other. Consider for a moment, when you have suffered with emotional or mental struggles and felt completely overwhelmed and low, did you notice how it impacted on your body? Maybe it [...]

Developing Mindfulness in your Somatics Practice

In today’s blog we are going to delve into a particular area of our somatic movement practice and understand the benefits of it. When I chat with clients I love to hear how their somatic practice is progressing. I often hear wonderful comments, highlighting how they’ve embraced this amazing movement practice to reduce their pain, improve their posture, increase their mobility and enhance their mindfulness skills. From time to time I hear clients say that they are very brief with [...]

Mindful in May – Week 2

I hope you've had a good week. This week we are going to delve into another area of mindfulness. Check out my 1 minute video below to learn more. As an additional point, check out the big kangaroo in the background, he wasn’t too happy with me standing near his patch!! Task 2 - Mindful of Posture and Movement during your day. We are creatures of habit. We perform the same activities, day in and day out. Sometimes these habits can [...]