Navigating Menopause

Hello! How is your week going? I know it is a busy time of year, so hopefully you are able to find some quiet time to rest and recalibrate. Recently the Total Somatics members enjoyed a workshop on the subject of Menopause. Within the membership, we cover many areas of life because it impacts our physical, energetic, emotional and mental health. Menopause is a subject that isn't overly discussed and there are lots of conflicting views [...]

Week 5 – Mindful In May and beyond!

Developing a Daily Somatics Movement Practise In this week’s blog we will conclude the Theme of ‘Mindful in May’ and look at areas of our life and consider ways to develop The Total Somatics Approach to Health & Wellness. Check out my video below.  After the video, allow me to develop this subject further. To support you through the last day in May and on into the future, download the FREE support material by clicking HERE. The Importance of developing a daily somatics [...]