Navigating Menopause
Hello! How is your week going? I know it is a busy time of year, so hopefully you are able to find some quiet time to rest and recalibrate.
Recently the Total Somatics members enjoyed a workshop on the subject of Menopause. Within the membership, we cover many areas of life because it impacts our physical, energetic, emotional and mental health. Menopause is a subject that isn't overly discussed and there are lots of conflicting views and approaches. So in true Total Somatics style, we decided it was an opportunity to educate and empower ourselves about a subject every woman experiences.
As a result of the amazing interest and the subsequent emails I have received after the workshop, with people taking action and getting the needed support, Total Somatics will be holding a free online menopause summit early in 2023. I have contacted many health experts that I am connected with globally and we will be bringing you a comprehensive summit.
Stay connected to my weekly blogs and podcasts by subscribing to Total Somatics. This is where you will hear the news first!

Please send your questions to me because I will cover them in future podcast episodes. Leave your questions at
Please stay connected with me via social media and You Tube. Regular upbuilding content to read and watch is very important for our physical, emotional, mental and energetic health.
So switch off the negative news and catastrophising headlines and fill your mind with healthy, positive, community minded content that will support your health and wellbeing, as well as those you come into contact with. xx
If you would like to get started today with Total Somatics' Movement, Mindset and Mindfulness, CLICK HERE to visit the Total Somatics' Online shop and feel the benefits!

I am REALLY excited to be sharing something incredibly huge with you in 2023! There is a lot of hard work going on with me and the Total Somatics Tech team to bring you something INCREDIBLE next year!
Stay subscribed to my weekly blogs and podcasts to be the first to find out more in 2023!
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Navigating Menopause
As I mentioned earlier, recently the Total Somatics members welcomed a health expert, Diane Porterfield Bourne to hold a workshop on Menopause. After the workshop, I interviewed Diane. Diane will be one of the experts in the Total Somatics' Menopause Summit in 2023.
In the meantime, enjoy this episode!
TO WATCH this week's podcast episode,
TO LISTEN to this week's podcast episode,
Have a wonderful week.
All my love and best wishes,
Heidi Hadley xx