Gain FOCUS & CLARITY with your Health & Wellbeing

Hello again!! I hope you have been enjoying this 3 part mini series. I love sharing how Total Somatics has been creating huge shifts and changes in people's lives around the world. Very soon, at 12.01am Melbourne/Sydney time on Saturday 20th November until Monday 22nd November 11.59pm Pacific time, I will be opening The Total Somatics Membership doors for the final time in 2021. If you have any questions you would like me to answer, CLICK HERE [...]

How do you react to stress?

Hello and welcome to week 1 of Mindful in May. To get started, please watch my short video below to find out more? During this week, could you make a note of how you react to stress? Also could you make a note of how you feel inside when you are stressed? Do you feel you operate on nervous energy or high functioning anxiety drives you? Do you feel exhausted and as if you want to curl up [...]