
The Power your Mind has over your Body

In this week’s blog I have a video to accompany this article.  I would like to explain how the power of your thoughts and emotions have a huge effect on your physical health and well being. As you know from my previous blogs and in greater detail with my online programs at www.TotalSomatics.com you cannot separate your mind and body.  They work very closely together.  Your body has a huge influence over your mind plus your mind controls your body.  [...]

Is Somatics for you?

In this week’s blog I have included a video which has been available on my Total Somatics Facebook page.  I receive many questions about Somatics and so I will be creating videos to answer your questions.  Many ask if Somatics is for a specific age group.  The answer is No.  Somatics is for all ages. Enjoy my video which accompanies this blog at the end of this article…. When I am teaching Mindfulness with Total Somatics sessions online www.TotalSomatics.com I often [...]

somatic sitting

Is sitting the new smoking?

In this week’s blog I am going to discuss how sitting for long periods of time can have a negative effect on your health.  We will consider the common statement made which is “sitting is the new smoking.” As the Founder and Somatics educator for www.TotalSomatics.com, I see many clients with back pain and limited movement due to their office jobs.  Many have invested in stand up desks to reduce being seated for hours on end.  This is a brilliant [...]

Postural changes and improved movement with Somatics

In this week’s blog I am going to discuss the fantastic effects Somatics has on your posture and how you move on a daily basis. If you follow Total Somatics on Facebook or Instagram, you will recall last week I posted a before and after photo of a client who gave me permission to publish the photo.  He has made amazing progress with his personal Somatics practise.  Let me tell you about my client, whom I will called John. John is [...]

Muscle Memory, Somatics and Stretching

In this week’s blog I will be discussing what muscle memory is and how Somatics is a much more efficient way to release tight and tense muscles than stretching.  Mindfulness with Total Somatics centres around releasing chronically tight muscles, reducing pain, improving mobility and providing skills to empower and educate you to take back control of you health and well being.   Mindfulness with Total Somatics (www.TotalSomatics.com) works at changing muscle memory.   What exactly is muscle memory? To begin with, there’s no [...]