Muscle Pain, Tension & Tightness – What can we do to Remedy the Issue?

With advances in technology, we have become skilled with modern scientific and medical discoveries. We are able to video conference people from the other side of the world at the click of a button. However we are a world becoming reliant on pain relief for the mushrooming incidences of musculoskeletal problems. What has happened? What can we do? Empower, Enhance and Educate The following statement by Benjamin Franklin is so true, “An Investment in Knowledge pays the best interest.” When we invest in [...]

Somatics – The Key to Reducing Back Pain and Improving Posture.

Do you suffer with back pain and/or poor posture? Are you finding the pain appears to be increasing in severity and frequency? Do you find when you are in pain you feel overwhelmed? This is a very common issue. Pain, either chronic or acute creates dis-empowering thoughts. When we struggle with pain we can start feeling overwhelmed and a sense of doom and gloom sets in. We may feel our thoughts are completely consumed by how we feel. I see [...]

Back Pain- the 21st century Epidemic

Have you had that pinch or pain trigger in your back, only to catch your breath and stop you from your activity? Do you find that your back pain and stiffness are starting to increase in severity and duration? Have you tried EVERYTHING and feel that “this is it” or “I’m just getting old?” In today’s blog we are going to consider the 21st Century Epidemic - BACK PAIN and look at how we can reverse the symptoms and increase our [...]

Pain, perception and plasticity

In this week’s blog I am going to discuss the subject of pain. Nobody is immune to pain, we all suffer or have suffered with varying degrees of it. In recent years we have and continue to see the growth and research in the field of pain science and neuroplasticity. Is pain “in your head?” Neuroscience has researched thoroughly and it is widely considered in the area of pain science that pain is created by the brain and projected on to [...]

Cells that fire together, wire together

“Cells that fire together, wire together.” The power of Somatics & Neuroplasticity. In this week’s blog I am going to discuss the fascinating and ever expanding (no pun intended!) subject of Neuroplasticity. Back in 1949, the psychologist Donald Hebb became known as the father of the field of Neuropsychology and created the expression “cells that fire together, wire together.” He introduced us to the subject of Neuroplasticity. So what is Neuroplasticity? Basically it is a general term used to describe the fact that the [...]