Effective ways to ease Back pain

Hello! How are you? xx I hope you are having a lovely week. Thank you for your lovely questions and messages. I love hearing from you and how Total Somatics is transforming your life. As many of you have been experiencing, this work is very powerful and creates huge shifts and changes in the quality of your life. If you would like to hear different ones from around the world mention how Total Somatics has helped them, [...]

Your questions, ANSWERED!

Hello! How has your week been? I have recently had a flurry of questions arrive in my inbox regarding Total Somatics. I love hearing your questions because the more you learn and practice skills about how your amazing mind and body work, the more you feel empowered and informed about your health and wellbeing. Regularly I hold Q&A sessions for the members within the memberships so we can get specific. It is a great way to [...]

What is Somatics? Frequently Asked Questions, ANSWERED!

I receive many questions about Somatics. At conferences, workshops, online and in clinic, people are wanting to know as much as they can about Somatics. Clients find the benefits are fantastic, from releasing muscular tension and tightness, to improving posture and increasing mobility. So when clients feel the benefits, they want to learn more so they can tell others! As a result of this happening often, I have created a blog to specifically answer frequently asked questions. If you have [...]