Addressing Lower Back Pain & A Protruding Belly

Hello! How are you? I have just enjoyed a few really interesting study days in Sydney with Dr Bessel Van Der Kolk. He was delving into Trauma, Attachment and Neuroscience. I will be sharing lots with The Total Somatics members, so please look out for more within the Total Somatics Membership. The Total Somatics Membership -doors open soon! If you have been wondering when The Total Somatics membership doors will open again, STAY CONNECTED, VERY SOON I will be making [...]

“Trapped in a Tight, Tense Body” & Chronic Fatigue

Hello! How are you? I hope your week is running smoothly. Firstly, thank you for all your wonderful messages about Total Somatics and how it has been improving the quality of life. This work is so powerful and works on so many levels to restore and maintain good health and wellbeing. Before I introduce this week's podcast, I would love to share some news and announcements with you. The Menopause Summit This is the last opportunity to [...]

How to Reverse the Feeling of Being “Trapped in a Tight, Tense Body.”

Hello! How are you? How is your week going? The Total Somatics team and I have had a very productive January and the next few months will continue to be the same, as we create content for you and an extra special announcement in the coming months! So stay tuned! If you are not subscribed to Total Somatics, please do because you will be the very first to find out all the details! Next weekend [...]

Releasing Tension & Rib Rigidity after a Chest Infection

Hello! How are you? xx Here in Australia, we are looking forward to warmer, drier weather because over the long, wet winter, people have been experiencing many recurring respiratory infections. However, in the northern hemisphere, winter has arrived and keeping boosted with your immunity is important. If you experience any respiratory ailments, you will know how impacted your breathing can become after bouts of coughing, sneezing and sleeping upright to ease the coughing fits. This can [...]

How your Emotional Wellbeing Shapes your Body

Hello! How are you? xx I hope your week is going well. We have lots of exciting events happening in the coming months, so behind the scenes we are planning lots for you! If you are interested in spending a month with me focusing on Clinical Somatic Movement to ease pain and improve mobility, keep September ear marked! I will reveal more information to you in the coming months. To stay up to date with [...]