Are you in tune with your Mind & Body?

Over the years many people develop injuries, undergo surgeries and encounter stress and health diagnoses which contribute towards added pressure and trauma to their SOMA or whole person. In today’s blog I am going to discuss how we can overcome this issue and I have provided a 45 minute detailed soma scan with arch and flatten to increase awareness to how your soma is moving, sensing and feeling. Family Dynamics Firstly I am going to discuss family dynamics. If you find [...]

Adrenal Fatigue and your Lifestyle

Nowadays we appear to have less time to fit everything in to our day or week. We can find ourselves running around like headless chickens! In today’s blog I am going to discuss Adrenal Fatigue and how common it really is. Adrenal fatigue is a collection of symptoms classed as a syndrome. Conventional medicine doesn’t recognise Adrenal fatigue as a condition. But eventually they will start to take note because this collection of symptoms are presenting themselves more and more [...]

The Trap of ‘Busyness’

In this week’s blog I am going to discuss the modern epidemic we refer to as ‘Busyness.' The definition for 'busyness' is the quality or condition of being busy. Interestingly, another definition states ‘lively but meaningless activity.’ Could the latter definition have a greater meaning to an action which appears to have permeated society to the point that unless we are ‘busy’ we aren’t achieving goals or outcomes? Due to the wonderful invention of technology, we are surrounded by labour [...]

Cells that fire together, wire together

“Cells that fire together, wire together.” The power of Somatics & Neuroplasticity. In this week’s blog I am going to discuss the fascinating and ever expanding (no pun intended!) subject of Neuroplasticity. Back in 1949, the psychologist Donald Hebb became known as the father of the field of Neuropsychology and created the expression “cells that fire together, wire together.” He introduced us to the subject of Neuroplasticity. So what is Neuroplasticity? Basically it is a general term used to describe the fact that the [...]


The Power your Mind has over your Body

In this week’s blog I have a video to accompany this article. I would like to explain how the power of your thoughts and emotions have a huge effect on your physical health and well being. As you know from my previous blogs and in greater detail with my online programs at you cannot separate your mind and body. They work very closely together. Your body has a huge influence over your mind plus your mind controls your body. [...]