The connection between Somatics, Brain health & your Gut

Hello, I hope you are keeping well.  I have enjoyed hearing from many of you about the benefits you are gaining from the somatic audio classes available to purchase.  It is brilliant to see and hear of the transformations within a short period of time.  However, if you are a regular reader of my blogs, listen to my podcast or a member within the online program, you will be fully aware of the amazing capacity your brain and body [...]

Can you retrain your mind & body to reduce pain, improve posture & increase mobility?

Somatic in September 2020   Hello!  How have you been throughout the week?  I am absolutely loving the connection with you all within the private Facebook group.  If you haven’t joined my the Somatic in September 2020 private Facebook group, you’re most welcome.  It is available to join until the end of September 2020.  This private Facebook group has been created to support ones who would like focus and clarity in the areas of pain relief, improved movement and better [...]

How to boost your Brain – Part 2

This week I am going to continue on from last week’s blog.  In line with Total Somatics’ theme for 2020 - Insight and Focus, I am going to open your eyes to other areas in your life where we can promote Neurogenesis. Shhhh! Have you noticed what a noisy world we live in?  From vehicle engines revving to barking dogs, there always seems to be noise!  Did you know that over time noise can begin to affect neurogenesis?  Living in cities [...]

How Stress impacts on your Mind and Body. How Somatics can help.

At some point in your life you will suffer with stress and anxiety. At times, events can be very difficult and the stress can last for a long time. When you do suffer with stress, many neurophysiological changes happen. In today’s blog we will look at how stress can affect your neurophysiology and how Somatics can help. The Effects of Stress As a Clinical Somatics Educator, I will often see the effects of stress within a clinical session or a movement [...]