Your Brain Is Physically Connected To Your Immune System

Hello! How are you? xx Thank you for all your comments and feedback. I have had some great questions, so look out in the upcoming podcast episodes because I will be answering your questions. I have included extracts from within the Total Somatics membership to cover them. Keep your questions flowing, it is really good to hear from you. Within this week's podcast, I refer to the 3 part workshop within the Total Somatics Online Shop. [...]

Take care for your own health and wellbeing

As we approach the end of the year, life can get very challenging. If you are heavily involved in Christmas and New Year preparations, this time of the year can actually be very exhausting. The tips and advice I will share with you today are applicable for all year round. Be Organised. Whatever your plans are for the holidays, ensure you are organised. This will stop you from having to battle with short tempered, stressed out shoppers in shopping malls. Always [...]

The Trap of ‘Busyness’

In this week’s blog I am going to discuss the modern epidemic we refer to as ‘Busyness.' The definition for 'busyness' is the quality or condition of being busy. Interestingly, another definition states ‘lively but meaningless activity.’ Could the latter definition have a greater meaning to an action which appears to have permeated society to the point that unless we are ‘busy’ we aren’t achieving goals or outcomes? Due to the wonderful invention of technology, we are surrounded by labour [...]