How to manage pain & move with ease

The biggest question I am asked as a Clinical Somatic Educator and Somatic Movement teacher is “how can I manage my pain and move with ease?”  In today’s blog I will explain with some basic neuroscience how you can manage pain and move with ease. Is pain the enemy? Many people view pain as the enemy.  Granted, if you have struggled for years with pain, you will feel it is an enemy and holds you back.  However, how would you feel [...]

Total Somatics Health Review: How are you feeling?

Where has the year gone? Can you also believe that we are at the end of another decade too? It seems like only yesterday people were stressed about the millennium bug! The end of the year brings with it the chance to review what we have accomplished and what we would like to implement within the new year. With that in mind, in today’s blog I would like to encourage you to consider your current health and wellbeing goals [...]

Words have Power

Words have always played a crucial role in human history, from the written and spoken word to sign language. Whatever your method, words carry a lot of weight. In this week’s blog we are going to consider the power of your words and how they can impact on you. Your amazing mind Words have created wars and peace around the world over the years. They are powerful and will affect many people as a result. However we are going to consider [...]

Learn How To Move Freely With Less Pain

In this week’s blog we are going to look at how our modern day lifestyle has contributed towards ridigity and pain in our muscles and joints. Creatures of habit Consider what you do on a daily basis. We are creatures of habit and thrive on routine. You may sit on a train or other modes of transport, possibly looking down at your phone or book. You may sit at a desk most of the day. You may stand at your desk [...]

How to improve Posture

In this week’s blog we are going to look at how we can improve posture. With permission from my clients, I will also show you posture photos of clients before and after somatic movement, so you can see the huge shifts in muscle tension and structure. Getting to the Root Cause For years we have been encouraged to stretch out muscle tension. We have been encouraged to use hard foam rollers to roll on tight muscles or stretch our chest muscles [...]